Tuesday, May 17, 2016

SSMS 'Connect to Server' dialog is MIA on multiple monitors

I have been experiencing very frustrating behavior with Sql Server Management Studio (version 11.0.602) when working with multiple monitors.  When I open SSMS, the 'connect to server' dialog does not appear on any of my three monitors.  It seems to appear off the screen somewhere and I cannot get to it.  It's been quite a pain lately.

Granted, my development environment is not 'typical'.  I am running a Windows 10 VM in parallels on a MacBookPro with two external Apple monitors and using the monitor on the MBP as well.

For a while I would just disconnect my external monitors in order to get SSMS to show the 'connect to server' dialog, but I wanted to find a better way; and I wanted to share the solution with anyone else that is experiencing this same issue.

Here are the steps:

  1. Launch Sql Server Management Studio
  2. ALT-TAB to get to the SSMS Window
  3. Press the ESC key to cancel the 'connect to server' dialog
  4. Maximize the SSMS window.
  5. Click Connect, then select Database Engine
Now the 'connect to server' dialog will appear on your external monitors.  It doesn't show up on the SSMS window, but at least it shows up on one of my external monitors.  It doesn't consistently appear on the same external monitor, but hey, at least it appears now.

I hope that helps anyone else that has been experiencing this frustrating behavior.

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